#119 3918 Sundown Trail, Michael & Caitlyn
#120 3920 Sundown Trail, Michelle
#121 3922 Sundown Trail, Raychel
When we started today the temperature was in the low thirties but we still had 20 construction volunteers, 5 office volunteers and 2 lunch volunteers today working on house #119 3918 Sundown Trail and house #120 3920 Sundown Trail.
On house #119 inside some ceiling painting was done along with installing the closet brackets, shelving, caulking, door knobs, and the registers and return vent for the AC system were installed. On the outside the shed was brought down, set in place and the roof was installed.
On house #120 the porch ceiling was installed along with the soffits and soffit vents.
Lunch was provided by The Granbury First United Methodist Church.
Thank you for a delicious lunch.
See you Saturday at 8:30, weather permitting!
Photos by Molly.