Wednesday, May 29, 2024

 #118 4010 Sundown Trail

We had 14 volunteers working on house #118, 4010  Sundown Trail, and 3 office volunteers today. We had a great turn out today on our last official build day for this build season. We started the morning thinking it might be too muddy to work a full day but the sun dried out the ground enough that we were able to work around any muddy spots. We finished a majority of the siding, finished the soffit, installed the boots on the roof and Henry was able to finish all the duct runs - think "EJ". The plumbers did their thing since last we worked, so next the electricians, then insulation then and then a few more times. We ran out of time to finish the house this spring so dedication will be in the fall. I would like to thank all the volunteers who gave of their time, talents, and willingness to volunteer in support of the mission of Habitat of Humanity this season and hope to see everyone and also many new volunteers in September. Have a great summer!

Lunch was provided by StoneWater Church, Sunday Morning Bible Study
Thank you for a delicious lunch.

See you Wednesday, Sept. 4 at 8:00!

 Photos by Molly.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

 #118 4010 Sundown Trail

 No Work on Saturday 5/25/24

Have a great Memorial Day Weekend

We had 17 volunteers working on house #118, 4010  Sundown Trail, and 4 office volunteers today. We had a great turn out today, especially for a scaffold day. The roof is complete, meaning we started the day taking down the scaffold, we got a good start on the soffit, and along with installing the first row of siding around the house we also installed additional rows of siding for our plumbing and electrical contractors. Henry was busy on the HVAC and Jimmy was working on improving lot drainage.

Lunch was provided by The Granbury Seventh Day Adventist Church.
Thank you for a delicious lunch.

See you Wednesday, 5/29 at 8:30!

Photos by Becky and Amy.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

 #118 4010 Sundown Trail

We had 14 volunteers working on house #118, 4010  Sundown Trail and 3 office volunteers today. For a day when we thought we were limited by the scaffold as we wait for the roof to be shingled we found lots of work arounds. We installed all but one window along with most of the corner trim so we can start siding. We prepped the bathroom for the tub and installed additional blocking inside the house. We also brought a trailer load of lumber to the warehouse and general clean up of the build site.

Today's lunch was brought to us by the First Presbyterian Church. Thank you for a delicious lunch.

Photos by Molly.

